For Emergencies - In an emergency, the first thing First Responders do is look for your identification. Having this PML information readily available could save your life.
Not Just For Emergencies - Keeping an accurate medication list is not just in case of emergencies. You should bring a copy of your medication list whenever you visit a physician. It is especially essential when you see a physician for the first time, as it will be most helpful in clearing up any possible confusion, especially for older patients with cognitive decline. Note: Many people overlook some medications prescribed by their physicians when creating the list. The drugs commonly overlooked include herbal medicines, patches, eye drops, inhalers, and birth control pills. It is crucial that you have these medications in your medication record. Moreover, it would be best to list each drug's brand name, generic name, frequency of use, and strength. Obtain your FREE ($0.00) Booklet, Instructions, and Form (excel spread sheet) that you can fill-out and update as needed. Keep a copy in your wallet or purse at all times. This is a free service brought to you by The Synchronicity Investor. Please inform your family and friends about “WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE A PERSONAL MEDICATION LIST.” The PML might save a life! Download from the BOOKSTORE NOW! Comments are closed.
May 2024