WHAT IS KNOWLEDGE?Knowledge encompasses technology! In everyday language, we distinguish between information and data, arranging each in meaningful patterns. Historically, KNOWLEDGE is regarded as something that is believed. Knowledge relates to something that is true and reliable.
There are three terms that we use to define and consolidate our understanding of knowledge: Data - Facts or figures, fragments of information, but not knowledge itself. Data can be quantitative or qualitative. On its own, data is not of much use to us. However, when data is processed, interpreted, organized, structured, or presented to become meaningful or useful, it is called:
At its core, INFORMATION is tangible. You can capture it, store it, reproduce it or distribute it. It is also static. Although it can be interpreted or used in various ways, information does nothing or make anything happen. KNOWLEDGE SHARINGWhat is a Knowledge-Sharing Environment?
Changing the game around knowledge sharing requires a Professional Team to rethink the very nature of knowledge:
TYPES OF KNOWLEDGEExplicit Knowledge
Involves knowledge that can be:
While you can learn a lot from explicit knowledge that is readily articulated, such as the content you access from The Synchronicity Investor, you cannot underestimate the importance of tacit knowledge (knowing-how). This knowledge is embedded in the human mind through experience and is gained through on-the-job training. Tacit Knowledge A more elusive form of knowledge that is primarily developed and attained through personal skills, experience, judgment, and intuition. Moreover, it accumulates over time. Tacit knowledge can also be known as a gut feeling or wisdom. As a result, it is not always straightforward to communicate. An effective tacit knowledge transfer requires solid or extensive personal contact and trust. Most physical workplace knowledge is tacit and not necessarily documented. Instead, it exists in the workers' minds, developing knowledge exclusive to their experiences. It is the typical form of knowledge that the public sector is at serious risk of loss due to an aging workforce. PERSPECTIVELike knowledge, learning is something that people naturally do. It happens over time. It is a universal process that people go through as they develop new knowledge. It is also personal. Two people performing the same task might learn different things based on their perspectives and what is important to them in the experience.